by Elizabeth Humphrys | May 14, 2019 | Anti-politics, Australian Economy
This week I joined Ben Raue on his podcast The Tally Room, along with William Bowe (@PollBludger). We discussed anti-politics and the 2019 Australian election, in particular what seats are worth watching this Saturday. Egg Boy graphic: Sebastian White
by Elizabeth Humphrys | Aug 4, 2018 | Anti-politics, Gramsci
I was most pleased to see our special issue of Thesis Eleven — On ‘heroic fury’ and Antonio Gramsci — published this week. Edited by Ihab Shalbak and myself, it has articles by Peter Thomas, Phil Roberts, Andreas Bieler, Adam Morton, as well as ourselves....
by Elizabeth Humphrys | Mar 13, 2017 | Anti-politics, Gramsci
The following is the text of a presentation I gave this week, as part of the Sydney Historical Research Network seminar series ‘History Now’. This week’s topic was ‘The History of Class Now’. *** If the ruling class has lost its consensus, i.e. is no longer ‘leading’...
by Elizabeth Humphrys | Mar 4, 2017 | Anti-politics, Australian History, Events, Gramsci
Next week I am speaking at the Sydney Historical Research Network seminar, as part of their History Now series. The topic is ‘The History of Class Now’. Speaking chronologically are Hannah Forsyth (ACU), Terry Irving (University of...
by Elizabeth Humphrys | Jun 26, 2016 | Accord, Anti-politics, Australian Economy, Australian History
I recently had a short piece, co-authored by Tad Tietze, printed in response to George Megalogenis’ essay ‘Balancing Act: Australia Between Recession and Renewal’. The Megalogenis essay is available in Quarterly Essay Issue 61, and our response in...
by Elizabeth Humphrys | Feb 20, 2015 | Anti-politics, Neoliberalism
We live in anti-political times. After a twentieth century in which Western societies experienced the rise and entrenchment of mass representative institutions, where hundreds of millions of people accepted that politics was the main way to have their social interests...