Humphrys E (2019) How Labour Made Neoliberalism: Australia’s Accord, the Labour Movement and the Neoliberal Project, Brill: Leiden (hardcover)/Haymarket: Chicago (paperback).
Humphrys E, Rundle G and Tietze T (Eds) (2011) On Utoya: Anders Breivik, Right Terror, Racism and Europe, Elguta Press: London. Now Open Access.
Journal Articles
Humphrys E (2024) ‘Inertia in Transformed Times: Work Health and Safety and Climate Change in Australia’, Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol 66 No 5, pp 685-702.
Goodman J, Humphrys E, & Newman F (2023) ‘Working in Heat: Contrasting Heat Management Approaches Among Outdoor Employees and Contractors’, Safety Science, 165, 106185.
Rodgers J, Thorneycroft R, Cook PS, Humphrys E, Asquith N, Yaghi SA and Foulstone A (2023) ‘Ableism in Higher Education: The Negation of Crip Temporalities Within the Neoliberal Academy’, Higher Education Research and Development, 42(6), 1482-1495.
Humphrys E, Goodman J and Newman F (2022) ‘”Zonked the Hell Out”: Climate Change and Heat Stress at Work’, Economic and Labour Relations Review, 33(2) 256–271. Shortlisted for the ELRR Nevile-Plowman Prize best article prize.
Humphrys, E., Rodgers, J., Asquith, N. L., Yaghi, S. A., Foulstone, A., Thorneycroft, R., & Cook, P. S. (2022). ‘”To prove I’m not incapable, I overcompensate”: Disability, ideal workers, the academy’. The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 33(4), 698–714.
Humphrys E, Copland S & Mansillo L (2021) ‘Anti-politics in Australia: Hypotheses, Evidence and Trends’, Journal of Australian Political Economy, Issue 86.
Gregson S & Humphrys E (2020) ‘Philanthropy and the ‘Management’ of Working-class Women: The West Gate Bridge Disaster’, Labour History, Vol 118, Issue 2.
Newman F & Humphrys E (2020) ‘Construction Workers in a Climate Precarious World’, Critical Sociology, Vol 46, Issue 4-5, pp 557-572. Short Listed for the Australian International Political Economy Network (AIPEN) Richard Higgott Journal Article Prize.
Cahill, D & Humphrys E (2019) ‘Rethinking the “Neoliberal Thought Collective” Thesis’, Globalizations, Vol 16, No 6, pp 948-965.
Humphrys E (2018) ‘Simultaneously Deepening Corporatism and Advancing Neoliberalism: Australia Under the Accord’, Journal of Sociology, Vol 54, pp 49-63.
Humphrys E (2018) ‘Anti-politics, the Early Marx and Gramsci’s Integral State’’, Thesis Eleven, Vol 147, pp 29-44. Short Listed for the Australian International Political Economy Network (AIPEN) Richard Higgott Journal Article Prize.
Barnes T, Humphrys E and Pusey M (2018) ‘From Economic Rationalism to Global Neoliberalism: Marking 25 years since Economic Rationalism in Canberra’, Journal of Sociology, Vol 54, No 1, pp. 49-63.
Humphrys E & Cahill, D (2017) ‘How Labour Built Neoliberalism’, in Critical Sociology, Volume 43, Issue 4-5, pp 669-684.
Humphrys E (2013) ‘Global Justice Organising in Australia: Crisis and Realignment after 9/11’, in Globalizations, Vol 10, No 3, pp. 451-464.
Humphrys E (2012) ‘The Birth of Australia: Non-Capitalist Social Relations in a Capitalist Mode of Production’, in Journal of Australian Political Economy, Vol 70, pp. 110-129.
Humphrys E (2009) ‘Thinking and Theorising About Activism: Who and How’ in Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol 1, No 2, pp. 166-179.
Book Chapters
Humphrys E (forthcoming, 2025) ‘Hot Under the PPE Collar: Occupational High Heat During the Covid-19 Pandemic’, in Jessie Adams-Stein and Chantel Carr (eds) Working Through Planetary Breakdown, Routledge.
Humphrys E (forthcoming, 2025) ‘Work Health and Safety, Adaptation and Climate Change’, in Marcel van der Linden, Christoph Scherrer and Madeleine Moore (eds) The Elgar Companion to Decent Work and the Sustainable Development Goals, Edward Elgar.
Humphrys E (2024) ‘Neoliberalism: Different Paths Within a Global Process’, in Emil Dauncey, Vandana Desai and Robert B Potter (eds), Companion to Development Studies (4th Edition), Routledge.
Humphrys E (2024) ‘Hegemony as a Protean Concept’, in William Carroll (ed), The Elgar Companion to Antonio Gramsci, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Gregson S & Humphrys E (2021) ‘The West Gate Collapse: How Disaster Happens’, in Peter Sheldon, Sarah Gregson, Russell Lansbury & Karin Sanders (eds), The Regulation and Management of Workplace Health and Safety: Historical and Emerging Trends, Routledge: London.
Humphrys E (2019) ‘Halcyon Days?: The Amalgamated Metal Workers’ Union and the Accord’, in Evan Smith, Jon Piccini and Matthew Worley (eds), The Far Left in Australia Since 1945, Routledge: London, pp 231-248.
Humphrys E (2014) ‘The Primacy of Politics: Stilwell, the Accord and the Critique of the State’, in Susan Schroeder and Lynne Chester (eds), Challenging the Orthodoxy, Springer-Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 173-180
Humphrys E (2013) ‘Organic Intellectuals and the Australian Global Justice Movement: The Weight of 9/11’, in Colin Barker, Laurence Cox, John Krinsky and Alf Nielsen (eds), Marxism and Social Movements, Brill: Leiden, pp. 357-375.
Humphrys E and Tietze T (2012) ‘The Science Cannot Save Us’, in Jeff Sparrow and Antony Loewenstein (eds), Left Turn, Melbourne University Press: Melbourne, pp. 10-26.
Humphrys E (2011) ‘“Your ‘Terrorists”, Our “Lone Wolves”: Utøya in the Shadow of 9/11‘, in Elizabeth Humphrys, Guy Rundle and Tad Tietze (eds), On Utøya: Anders Breivik, Right Terror, Racism and Europe, Elguta Press: London.
Edited Journal Special Issues
Humphrys E and Shalbak I (2018) Thesis Eleven, Vol 147. Special issue ‘On Heroic Fury’ and Questions of Method in Antonio Gramsci, University of Sydney.
Barnes T, Humphrys E and Pusey M (2018) Journal of Sociology, Vol 54, No 1. Special issue From Economic Rationalism to Global Neoliberalism: Marking 25 years since Economic Rationalism in Canberra.
Humphrys E and Collerson J (2012) Journal of Australian Political Economy, Vol 70. Special issue Rereading Capital, Again: New Research in Marxist Political Economy.
Waterman P, Ma A, Humphrys E, Cox, L and Esteves A (2012) Interface: A Journal for and About Social Movements, Vol 4, No 2. Special issue For the Global Emancipation of Labour: New Movements and Struggles around Work, Workers and Precarity.
Nilsen A, Berdnikovs A and Humphrys E (2010) Interface: A Journal for and About Social Movements, Vol 2, No 1. Special issues Crises, Social Movements and Revolutionary Transformations.
Formaini H, Goodman J, Ho C and Humphrys E (2009) Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol 1, No 2. Special issue Beyond the Neo-Con Men – A Series of Dialogues: Organisation, Cross-Cultural Collaboration, Rights Framing, Visions for Social and Political Change.
Other Journal Contributions
Humphrys E (2020) Review: Being Left Wing in Australia: Identity, Culture and Politics after Socialism (by Geoff Robinson), Arena Journal
Humphrys E and Shalbak I (2018) ‘‘‘On Heroic Fury’ and Questions of Method in Antonio Gramsci’, in Thesis Eleven, Vol 147.
Tietze T & Humphrys E (2015) ‘Anti-Politics and the Illusions of Neoliberalism’, Oxford Left Review, Vol 14.
Humphrys E (2013) Review: Labour and the Politics of Empire: Britain and Australia, 1900 to the Present (by Neville Kirk), Reviews in Australian Studies, Vol 7, No 4.
Humphrys E (2013) ‘Within or Against the State’, Jacobin Magazine, Roundtable with Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin, 7 August,
Humphrys E (2012) ‘Your ‘Terrorists’, Our ‘Lone Wolves’: Utøya in the shadow of 9/11’, in Journal of International Relations Research, Vol 1, pp. 72-80.
Humphrys E (2012) ‘From Global Justice to Occupy Everywhere’, Overland Journal, Special Supplement, January 2012.
Reports and Submissions
Humphrys E and Newman F (Oct 2021) High Heat and Climate Change at Work: Report for the United Workers Union, Climate Justice Research Centre, University of Technology Sydney.
Humphrys E, Newman F and Goodman J (2020) Heat Stress and Work in the Era of Climate Change: What We Know, and What We Need to Learn, Centre for Future Work and Climate Justice Research Centre, University of Technology Sydney.
Bilora N, Goodman J, Humphrys E, Newman F, Pakdel P, da Rimini F and Thomas L (2019) Final Report to the City of Sydney Council: Heat in the Streets: Mapping the Lived Experience of Heat Stress of Climate-exposed Workers Towards Developing a Thriving and Resilient City, Climate Justice Research Centre, University of Technology Sydney.
Goodman J, Humphrys E, Newman F, da Rimini F, Thomas L, Biloria NM & Pakdel P (2019) UTS Climate Justice Centre, Heat Stress and On-Demand Work: The Experience of Food Delivery and Courier Cyclists, pp. 1-5, Submission to the Inquiry into the Victorian On-Demand Workforce
Selected News and Opinion Articles
Humphrys E, Frankham B & Stein JA (2024) ‘The deep political power of fluro: how hi-vis became a symbol of working class masculinity’, The Conversation, 18 September.
Humphrys E, Newman F & Heenan T (2019) ‘Workers are on the Frontline of the Climate Crisis, but they have the Power to Fight Back’, ABC News, 19 December.
Humphrys E (2019) ‘We live in anti-political times’, Overland Journal, 20 May.
Humphrys E & Heggart K (2018) ‘Playdough Capitalism’, Futures: The UTS Learning and Teaching Blog and Progress in Political Economy, 11 January.
Humphrys E & Heggart K (2017) ‘Take a Walk Around Your Neighbourhood’, Futures: The UTS Learning and Teaching Blog, 30 August.
Humphrys E (2017) ‘Wen You Laugh Togetha’, Overland Journal, 22 March,.
Humphrys E & Tietze T (2016) ‘Balancing Act: Correspondence’ (reply to George Megalogenis), Quarterly Essay, Issue 62.
Humphrys E (2016) ‘Is the Term Neoliberalism Useful?’, Progress in Political Economy, 29 September.
Humphrys E (2015) ‘Why Didn’t Neoliberalism Start During the Fraser Liberal Government?’, Progress in Political Economy, 11 November.
Humphrys E (2014) ‘Where in the World Does Neoliberalism Come From?’, Progress in Political Economy, 29 August.
Humphrys E & Tietze T (2014) ‘Qantas and job losses: the reality of union decline must be faced’, The Guardian, 5 March.
Humphrys E (2013) ‘How to Complain and be Heard’, The Thesis Whisperer, 6 February.
Humphrys E & Tietze T (2011) ‘The Carbon Price Debate as Smokescreen for Inaction’, ABC The Drum Opinion, 9 June.
Selected Conference Papers
Gregson S & Humphrys E (2020) ‘Memorialising Workers: The West Gate Bridge Collapse‘, The Association of Industrial Relations Academics in Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ) Conference, Queenstown, NZ, 11-14 February.
Newman F & Humphrys E (2020) ‘Construction Workers in a Climate Precarious World‘, Australian International Political Economy Network Conference, University of Sydney, 6-7 February.
Gregson S & Humphrys E (2019) ‘The West Gate Bridge Collapse: Lessons for Workplace Safety‘, National Health and Safety Conference, Safety Institute of Australia, International Convention Centre Sydney, 22-23 May.
Gregson S & Humphrys E (2018) ‘The West Gate Project: History Memory Action‘, How to Build Bridges Symposium, Art & Industry Festival, The Substation, Newport Melbourne, 23 November.
da Rimini F, Goodman J, Humphrys E & Thomas L (2018) ‘Towards a ‘Worker/Citizen Science’ Model: A Qualitative Investigation of Workplace Heat Stress and Climate Change‘, Australian Citizen Science Conference, University of South Australia, Adelaide, 7–9 February
Humphrys E and Mansillo L (2017) ‘Anti-politics in Australia‘, Political Studies Association UK (PSA) Annual Conference, University of Glasgow,10–12 April.
Ghosh D, Goodman J and Humphrys E (2017) ‘Addressing Heat Disease: Trade Unions and Climate Heat in the Workplace’, 29th Annual Scientific Conference of the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology, University of Sydney, 24-28 September.
Humphrys E (2016) ‘Australia Under the Accord: Simultaneously Deepening Corporatism and Advancing Neoliberalism’, The Australian Sociological Association (TASA) Annual Conference, Australian Catholic University (Melbourne), 28 November-1 December.
Humphrys E (2016) ‘Destabilising Neoliberalism’s Dominant Narrative’, Australian Political Studies Association (APSA) Annual Conference, University of New South Wales, 26-28 September.
Humphrys E (2016) ‘How Labour Made Neoliberalism’, The Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, March 29-April 2.
Humphrys E (2015) ‘Anti-politics: The Antagonism Between Social and Political Logics’, Australian Political Studies Association (APSA) Annual Conference, University of Canberra, 28-30 September.
Humphrys E (2015) ‘Gramsci’s ‘Integral State’: Securing Neoliberalism in Australia‘, On ‘Heroic Fury’ and Questions of Method in Antonio Gramsci, University of Sydney, 29 May.
Humphrys E (2015) ‘The Accord after Thirty Years: Corporatism in the Neoliberal Era’, 14th Biennial Australian Labour History Conference, University of Melbourne, 11-13 February.
Humphrys E (2014) ‘“Abolishing the Present State of Things”: Reconstructing Marx’s Critique of Politics and the State’, Eleventh Annual Historical Materialism Conference, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London UK, 6-9 November.
Humphrys E & Cahill D (2014) ‘Labour and the Neoliberal Revolution’, Australian Political Studies Association (APSA) Annual Conference, University of Sydney, 28 September-1 October.
Humphrys E (2014) ‘For a New State Debate’, Third Annual Australasian Historical Materialism Conference, Sydney Mechanics’ Institute of the Arts, Sydney, 20-21 July.
Humphrys E (2013) ‘Labour and Neoliberalism’, WZB Social Science Research Centre Berlin, December 3.
Humphrys E (2013) ‘How Labour Built Neoliberalism’, Tenth Annual Historical Materialism Conference, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London UK, 7-10 November.
Humphrys E (2013) ‘Anti-systemic Organising in Australia after 9/11’, Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice (CSSGJ) Seminar Series, University of Nottingham, October 21.
Humphrys E (2013) ‘The Lucky Country? The Impact of Global Protests in Australia’, Reclaiming Democracy and Social Justice: From the Arab Spring to Occupy to…, University of Windsor, Canada, 17-18 May.
Humphrys E (2012) ‘“To be Young Again”: Social Movements in the Age of the Arab Revolutions, Occupy and the Indignados’, First Annual Australasian Historical Materialism Conference, Sydney Mechanics’ Institute of the Arts, Sydney, 20-21 July.
Humphrys E (2011) ‘Understood in their “Originality and Uniqueness”: Locating Gramsci’s Organic Intellectuals in the Global Justice Movement’, Eighth Annual Historical Materialism Conference, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London UK, 10-13 November.
Humphrys E (2011) ‘Rethinking Gramsci’s Organic Intellectuals’, Sixteenth Annual Alternative Futures and Popular Protest, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester UK, 18-20 April.
Humphrys E (2010) ‘The Naughties: The Rise and Fall of the Global Justice Movement in Australia’, Empire to Commonwealth: Communist Theory and Contemporary Praxis, University of Wollongong, 25-26 November.
Humphrys E (2009) ‘The Weight of the Event: The Crisis of the Global Justice Movement in Australia after 9/11’, Crisis? Networks, Resilience, Disorder, University of Technology Sydney, 7 December.
Humphrys E (2008) ‘Movement Relevant Research: Can a Different Approach be Taken’, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Postgraduate Research Conference, University of Technology Sydney, 30 May.
Humphrys E (2007) ‘From Offence to Defence: The Alter-Globalisation Movement in Australia’, Twelfth Annual Alternative Futures and Popular Protest, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester UK, 2-4 April.
Humphrys E (2007, refereed) ‘“With Their Bodies on the Line”: Activist Space and Sexuality in the Australian Alter-Globalisation Movement’, QUEER Space: Centres and Peripheries, University of Technology Sydney, New South Wales, 20-21 February.
Humphrys E (2006) ‘GLAM, QUEER and QuACE: Sexuality Meets Anti-Capitalism on the Streets of Melbourne’, Eleventh Annual Alternative Futures and Popular Protest, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester UK, 19-21 April.